Alex Saavedra

Chicago, IL

When asked what he wanted to be when he grew up, Alex’s response to his 4th grade yearbook questionnaire was simple: he wanted to be an architect. Growing up in the Chicago suburbs, he always found any excuse to make a trip to the city to marvel at the buildings, both historic and contemporary. Alex eventually moved to Chicago to study architecture at the University of Illinois at Chicago and has been living in the city ever since, aside from a short stay at the University of Illinois – Urbana Champaign where he graduated with his Master’s. As a designer, he enjoys exploring design solutions through the study of materiality, light, and volume to produce spaces that people feel comfortable to be in.

In his spare time, you can find Alex enjoying the outdoors, whether that be by biking along the lakefront to his favorite spot at Promontory Point, sitting in the sand and reading a book at Foster Beach, going for a run, or playing tennis with friends. You may also find him cooking something delicious in the kitchen or shopping for a new mid-century piece to add to his growing collection. He enjoys travelling and as much as he loves the city of Chicago, he hopes to spend his winters in a warmer, sunnier climate.

Alex swam with sharks at the Galapagos Islands in Ecuador.