
We understand growth to be a continuous process, supported by mentorship programs, ongoing learning opportunities, and sponsored attendance at conferences and workshops. With an open and inclusive team structure, individuals at all levels are given the opportunity to have an active voice both on projects and within the office, with their contributions recognized and celebrated. Collaborative Design We are a collective of collaborators that work in tandem, building on the curiosity, knowledge, and expertise of all team members to develop projects and foster growth. This group mentality allows our architects to learn from each other every day and continuously have the same great collegiate environment they experienced in architecture school (minus the all-nighters). Employee Empowerment Our business is our people, and it is our team’s knowledge and their working relationships that lead to SNHA’s success. With that in mind the following principles guide how we work, mentor, and lead: • Value and recognize each team member. • Trust your team. • Recognize accomplishments, both big and small. • Offer opportunities for professional enrichment and growth. • Be transparent and open.